A New Link with more information http://www.trymunity.com/
The Rancho Los Amigos Scale
The Rancho Los Amigos scale was developed at the Rancho Los Amigos Hospital in California by the Head Injury Treatment team. This scale is useful to therapists and families to help understand the behavior and progression of the head injury survivor as he goes through rehabilitation. These levels are applicable in the first weeks or months following the injury and are not intended to predict improvement over the long term.
Progress is rapid at first. The patient will move between the levels quickly. However, as the months go by, progress will slow and at some point the patient may seem to plateau around level VI or VII. The level at which the patient plateaus cannot be predicted beforehand. Patients may also have characteristics of more than one level at a time.
Level 1 - NO RESPONSE: Does not respond to voices, sounds, light, or touch; appears in a deep sleep.
Level 2 - GENERALIZED RESPONSE: Limited, inconsistent, non-purposeful responses; first reaction may be to deep pain; may open eyes but will not seem to focus on anything in particular.
Level 3 - LOCALIZED RESPONSE: Inconsistent responses but purposeful in that reacts in a more specific manner to stimulus; may focus on a presented object; may follow simple commands.
Level 4 - CONFUSED, AGITATED: Heightened state of activity; confusion; unable to do self-care; unaware of present events. Reacts to own inner confusion, fear, disorientation; excitable behavior may be abusive or aggressive.
Level 5 - CONFUSED, INAPPROPRIATE, NON-AGITATED: Appears alert; responds to commands; follows tasks for 2-3 minutes but easily distracted by environment; frustrated; verbally inappropriate; does not learn new information.
Level 6 - CONFUSED APPROPRIATE: Follows simple directions consistently; needs cueing; can relearn old skills; serious memory problems but improving; attention improving; self-care tasks performed without help; some awareness of self and others.
Level 7 - AUTOMATIC APPROPRIATE: If physically able, can carry out routine activities but may have robot-like behavior, minimal confusion, shallow recall; poor insight into condition; initiates tasks but needs structure; poor judgement, problem-solving and planning skills; overall appears normal.
Level 8 - PURPOSEFUL APPROPRIATE: Alert, oriented; recalls and integrates past events; learns new activities and can continue without supervision; independent in home and living skills; capable of driving; defects in stress tolerance, judgment; abstract reasoning persist; many function at reduced levels in society.
Lake Erie Institute of Rehabilitation, 137 West Second Street, Erie, Pennsylvania, 16507
Mitiguy, J.S., Thompson, G.T., & Wasco, J. (1990). Understanding Brain Injury. Massachusetts: New Medico Head Injury System.
National Head Injury Foundation. "Coma: Its Treatment and Consequences."
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The Glasgow Coma Scale
The Glasgow Coma Score is the most reliable of the various coma scales currently in use. It also requires only a brief examination of the patient and can therefore be obtained early on by non-professional people, such as paramedics. Because it is easy and quick to determine, it can be repeated frequently. Scoring the patient often and regularly can help make predictions about the outcome. Predictions made on the outcome of the patient are typically very accurate and when they err, they do so on the optimistic side.
The Glasgow Coma Scale was designed to meet a need for a standardized initial evaluation. The scale assesses three components: eye opening, best verbal response, and best motor response. The lower the mark is, the more severe the brain injury. The lowest mark possible is 3. The highest mark possible is 15. As a patient comes out of coma, the mark rises. The scale is as follows:
Motor Response Example Score
Commands Follows simple commands 6
Localizes Pain Pulls examiner's hand away when pinched 5
Withdraws from Pain Pulls a part of body away when pinched 4
Abnormal Flexion Flexes body inappropriately to pain 3
Abnormal Extension Body becomes rigid in an extended position when examiner pinches him 2
No Response Has no motor response to pinch 1
Eye-Opening .
Spontaneous Opens eyes on own 4
To Voice Opens eyes when asked to in a loud voice 3
To Pain Opens eyes when pinched 2
No Response Does not open eyes 1
Verbal Response (Talking) .
Orientated Carries on a conversation correctly and tells examiner where he is, who he is, and the month and year 5
Confused Conversation Seems confused or disoriented 4
Inappropriate Words Talks so examiner can understand him but makes no sense 3
Sounds Makes sounds that examiner cannot understand 2
No Response Makes no noise 1
A chart that may be helpful to track a patients' progress may look something like this:
DAY 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Motor Response
Eye Opening
Verbal Response
If the patient is receiving drugs, it may impair use of the scale.
If the patient rises four levels on the Coma Scale within the first 24 hours, this is considered a rapid improvement.
If the patient rises four levels in the Coma Scales in three days, this is considered a moderate improvement.
If the patient rises four levels on the Coma Scale in the first week, this is considered a slow improvement.
Some patients remain on their original coma score, without a change for weeks. This is called a prolonged coma.
Those patients who do not come out of coma may pass into a vegetative state. This state is often characterized by periods of the day during which the person's eyes are open, giving the appearance of wakefulness, but shows no signs that he or she is aware of the environment around him or her. The person is awake, but not aware.
Freeman, E.A. (1987). The Catastrophe of Coma: A Way Back. Queensland, Austrailia: David Bateman Ltd.
Ivan, L.P. & Bruce, D.A. (1982). Coma: Physiopathology, Diagnosis and Management. Springfield: Charles C. Thomas.
What is Coma?
Coma may be defined as "a prolonged unconsciousness caused by disease, injury, or poison" (Gage Canadian Dictionary, 1983). It is commonly known as a state similar to sleep, but in which the person cannot be aroused and does not respond to any type of stimulation.
People in coma may still be able to hear and to understand what others are saying around them. For this reason, it is important to be aware of what is being said in their presence. It is recommended that friends, family, and staff refrain from speaking negatively about the patient or his progress. It is also recommended that staff be encouraged to speak to the person and explain what they are doing to him or her. For example, before conducting any type of test, explain that a test will be done, what it is, what they have to do in order to take the test, and why it is important.
Levels of Coma
There are several levels of coma defined by the patient's increasing awareness to his surroundings. Professionals measure levels of coma by the Glasgow Coma Scale or the Rancho Los Amigos levels of cognitive functioning. Generally, there are four possible awareness states when coming out of coma.
1. The Comatose and Unresponsive State
In this state, the patient makes no response to stimuli. He has no facial expressions and there is no movement of any kind.
2. The Comatose but Responsive State
In this state, the patient makes a response when his senses are stimulates (that is, sight, hearing, touch, smell, and taste). His breathing rate may increase, his heart rate may increase, he may make facial expressions, or he may have some movement of his body.
3. The Conscious but Unresponsive State
This is also known as the "locked in" state. The patient may be able to see, hear, touch, taste, and/or smell but is unable to respond.
4. The Conscious and Responsive State
The patient has emerged from his coma in this state and can respond to simple commands.
Coming out of Coma
When coming out of coma, a patient may make incomprehensible noises and/or move one or both arms or legs in a random, uncoordinated, and repetitive movement. They may often try to pull any tubes out, have facial expressions, groan, cry, or shout. They may also try to move and may resist people doing anything to them.
One belief in terms of why a patient may make such noises or movements is that he is attempting to express himself. He may be expressing that he is trying to get better, that he doesn't like what has happened, or that he doesn't like what people are doing to him. He may also be expressing that he wants out of the situation he is in.
Freeman, E.A. (1987). The Catastrophe of Coma: A Way Back. Queensland, Austrailia: David Bateman Ltd.
Ivan, L.P. & Bruce, D.A. (1982). Coma: Physiopathology, Diagnosis and Management. Springfield: Charles C. Thomas.
The Different Tests
CT Scan or CAT Scan (Computerized Axial Tomography Scan)
The CT Scan, or CAT Scan has been in use since 1973. It takes x-rays of the brain and then combines them to form a 3 dimensional picture on the computer. In doing this, it can examine thin sections of the brain at different depths and therefore show much greater detail than a regular x-ray.
The CT Scan is useful for testing for a variety of damage. It shows if there is bleeding in the skull, tumors, hemorrhages, fluid collection, and can also determine the amount of swelling. In depressed fractures, the CT Scan has the advantage of showing the amount of depression more clearly than the regular skull x-ray.
Some advantage of the CT Scan over other tests include such factors as it is painless, it can be performed much faster than many other tests, and it can be repeated with little risk to the patient (that is, repeated changes can be monitored). One major disadvantage, however, is that the CT Scan sometimes shows normal in patients who have seizures.
PET Scan (Positron Emission Tomography)
A PET scan differs from a CT scan in that while a CT scan is limited to distinguishing anatomical features, a PET scan measures metabolic processes, thus allowing an appraisal of how the brain is functioning.
It tracks natural compounds, such as glucose, as the brain metabolizes them. By showing the areas of different metabolic activity, it then makes it easier to make diagnoses, such as determining the areas responsible for epileptic seizures.
EEG (Electroencephalograph)
The EEG is a recording of the electrical activity of the brain. Its computerized printout looks similar to that of an EKG which monitors the heart. Brain activity is represented by a graph which shows peaks and valleys which lessen with decreasing levels of consciousness.
An EEG is given by attaching small electrodes (flat pieces of plastic with wires attached to them) to the scalp. The wires running from the electrodes are connected to a computer which then interprets the signals it is receiving and produces a print-out of the electrical activity. EEGs are often given to patients who have seizures. They are very useful in locating the areas of the brain where there is abnormal electrical activity.
MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging)
The MRI is similar to the CT Scan; however, it uses magnetic fields instead of x-rays to produce a three-dimensional picture of brain tissue. The MRI is useful for minor brain injuries in that it shows very small changes in the brain which may not be detected by a CT Scan or an x-ray.
The patient is placed underneath the X-ray machine and a special photographic plate which is sensitive to X-rays is placed under the patient. The X-ray photograph is then taken. X-rays pass through the flesh and are absorbed by the bone. An image of the bone is therefore left on the photographic plate and is extremely useful for diagnosing the extent of an injury. X-rays are used to identify the presence and the extent of fractures in the skull.
Carson, R.C., Butcher, J.N., & Mineka, S. (1996). Abnormal Psychology and Modern Life, tenth edition. New York: HarperCollins.
Freeman, E.A. (1987). The Catastrophe of Coma: A Way Back. Queensland, Austrailia: David Bateman Ltd.
Ivan, L.P. & Bruce, D.A. (1982). Coma: Physiopathology, Diagnosis and Management. Springfield: Charles C. Thomas.
Service Coordinators' Contact Information
________________________________________Northwest Region
Northern Alberta Brain Injury Society (NABIS)
#406, 9728 Montrose Avenue
Grande Prairie, AB T8V 5B6
Tel: (780) 532-0477
Fax: (780) 532-5361
________________________________________Northeast Region
St. Paul Abilities Network
4915-51 Avenue, Box 457
St. Paul, AB T0A 3A0
Tel: (780) 645-3441
Toll Free: 1-866-645-3900
Fax: (780) 645-1885 Blue Heron Support
Services Association
4925-51 Avenue, Box 4238
Barrhead, AB T7N 1A2
Tel: (780) 674-4944
Fax: (780) 674-6294
Email: admin@bhssa.com
________________________________________Central Region
Catholic Social Services
5104-48 Avenue
Red Deer, AB T4N 3T8
Tel: (403) 347-8844
Fax: (403) 342-1890 Canadian Mental
Health Association (CMHA)
#4, 5015-48 Street
Red Deer, AB T4N 1S9
Tel: (403) 342-2266
Fax: (403) 342-5684
________________________________________Edmonton Region
Northern Alberta Brain
Injury Society (NABIS)
#301 10106-111 Avenue
Edmonton AB, T5G 0B4
Tel: (780) 479-1757
Fax: (780) 474-4415 Edson Office - NABIS
Box 20027
Edson, AB T7E 1W4
Tel: (780) 712-7560
Fax: (780) 712-2449
Email: nabis1@telus.net
________________________________________Calgary Region
137, 2723-37 Avenue NE
Calgary, AB T1Y 5R8
Tel: (403) 521-5212
Fax: (403) 283-5867
________________________________________South Region
REDI Enterprises/Brain Injury
Relearning Services
828-11 Street SE
Medicine Hat, AB T1A 1T7
Tel: (403) 528-2661
Fax: (403) 528-2647
Alberta Brain Injury Network PDF
Alberta Brain Injury Network
Brain Injury Message Line: (780) 415-2747
Post Office Box 476,
Edmonton, Alberta T5J 2K1
Email: braininjury@gov.ab.ca
Directory of Programs and Services
Provincial Education and Prevention Co-ordinator
The Provincial ABI Prevention and Education Co-ordinator is responsible for the development and implementation of two provincial strategies, one for the coordination of prevention activities related to ABI and the other in regards to the educational needs of survivors, families, caregivers, professionals and the public. The Provincial ABI Prevention and Education Co-ordinator can be reached at (306) 787-0802.
Sask North Education and Prevention Co-ordinator
Funding is provided for a designated ABI education and prevention co-ordinator for the North. This individual will develop and co-ordinate prevention and education initiatives in the North in collaboration with the provincial ABI education and prevention co-ordinator and other stakeholder agencies. This person is located in the Mamawetan Churchill River Health District. For more information call (306) 425-8546.
Saskatchewan Institute on Prevention of Handicaps
The Saskatchewan Institute on Prevention of Handicaps is a non-profit organization with a mandate to raise awareness of preventive measures that can reduce the incidence of handicapping conditions in children. Funding under the ABI Partnership Project has been provided to the child injury prevention program. Efforts have been to raise awareness, share information, educate and provide programming to build skills. In these efforts, the institute has partnered broadly throughout the province with agencies and individuals that have experience and expertise in pertinent areas. The institute continues to work to decrease brain injury in children by focussing on four areas: shaken baby syndrome, falls, child passenger safety and bicycle safety. For more information, call (306) 655-2512.
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Outreach Support Teams
• Each outreach team consists of a variety of rehabilitation professionals experienced in the field of acquired brain injury.
• Teams provide individual and family support to people with acquired brain injury so that they may live successfully in their communities with improved quality of life.
• Teams accept self referrals as well as those from health facilities, physicians, any rehabilitation program or professional support services, schools or community agencies.
• The outreach teams are located in Prince Albert Health District (Sask North), Saskatoon Health District (Sask Central) and the Regina Health District (Sask South). The teams are responsible for providing services in the following health districts:
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Sask North ABI Outreach Team
• Parkland, Prince Albert, North Central, Pasquia, North-East, Athabasca Basin, Keewatin Yathé and Mamawetan/Churchill River
• Contact:
Sask North ABI Outreach Team
Gail Graham
Outreach Team Coordinator
1521 - 6th Avenue West
Prince Albert, SK S6V 5K1
Phone: (306) 765-6631
Fax: (306) 765-6617
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Sask Central ABI Outreach Team
• Northwest, Twin Rivers, Lloydminster, Battlefords, Saskatoon, Gabriel Springs, Central Plains, Greenhead, Midwest, Prairie West and Living Sky
• Contact:
Sask Central ABI Outreach Team
Sharon Babcock
Outreach Team Coordinator
Saskatoon City Hospital
701 Queen Street
Saskatoon, SK S7K 0M7
Phone: (306) 655-8448
Fax: (306) 655-8454
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Sask South ABI Outreach Team
• Southwest, Swift Current, Rolling Hills, Moose Jaw-Thunder Creek, South Country, South Central, South East, Moose Mountain, Regina, Touchwood Qu’Appelle, Pipestone, North Valley, East Central and Assiniboine Valley.
• Contact:
Sask South ABI Outreach Team
Betty Lou Whitley
Outreach Team Coordinator
Wascana Rehabilitation Centre
2180 - 23rd Avenue
Regina, SK S4S 0A5
Phone: (306) 766-5580
Fax: (306) 766-5144
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Saskatchewan Brain Injury Association (SBIA)
SBIA is a provincial, grassroots organization providing services for families in the form of support groups and other resources. Its functions include developing family support groups, providing a means of interacting with individuals with similar issues and problems, decreasing the social isolation that families sometimes face after a family member incurs a brain injury, providing information that aids in coping and adapting, and offering social support during crisis periods. You can reach SBIA at (306) 373-1555.
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Career Headways, Inc.
Career Headways is a non-profit community-based agency dedicated to improving the quality of life for people living with acquired brain injury. Community integration is maximized through holistic programming and specifically trained staff and volunteers. Program participants work to improve everyday functional living skills, thinking and communication skills, self-esteem, interpersonal-socializing skills, level of independence, roles in the community and employment readiness. The program provides structure and flexibility for participants to explore and maximize who they are at home, in the community, at play and at work. Participants attend six hours per day, Monday through Friday, for up to two years. Staffing includes Psychology, Occupational Therapy, Life Skills, Social Work, Recreation Therapy, Assistant Coaches and Volunteers.
Career Headways' offices are located in Regina’s downtown core, close to a major city bus line. You can contact Career Headways at (306) 352-8768.
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Phoenix Residential Society
The Phoenix Residential Society has an eight-suite apartment block staffed on a 24-hour basis, incorporating respite and crisis accommodation. In addition, a supportive living service is provided for 10 to 12 individuals who are living in a home of their choice and do not require 24 hour in-house support services. The goal is to enable individuals with ABI to live more independently in the community by assisting in the restoration of as much functional ability and quality of life as possible. Contact the Phoenix Residential Society at (306) 569-1977.
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Saskatchewan Abilities Council, Regina Branch
The Life Enrichment Program is designed to promote and facilitate personal and social rehabilitation of adults who have ABI living in the community. The program is client-based, individualized and flexible to meet the specific needs of each participant. Program activities take place in the community and, when required, in the individual's home environment. The Supported Employment Service is available to persons with ABI who are deemed ready to work. Individualized services to meet the specific vocational needs of the client are available. Contact the Saskatchewan Abilities Council, Regina Branch, at (306) 569-9048.
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Saskatchewan Abilities Council, Saskatoon Branch
The Supported Employment Service provides paid employment at a rate equal to or exceeding minimum wage, with training and/or support provided. Supported employment is made up of three components: job development, job coaching and ongoing support. Individuals with ABI applying to this program must be able to function independently in terms of personal care, demonstrate a willingness to participate, be capable of some form of two-way communication, have completed a vocational evaluation, have established realistic vocational goals, including at least two occupational choices, have a family physician and be medically stable. Contact the Saskatchewan Abilities Council, Saskatoon Branch, at (306) 653-1694.
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Saskatchewan Abilities Council, Yorkton Branch
The Yorkton Branch offers a program providing coordinated community-based activities that assist an ABI survivor to develop and maintain life and leisure skills. For further information, call (306) 782-2463.
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Prince Albert Health District Residential Options Program
This program provides residential options for persons identified as having an acquired brain injury. The program helps individuals find and maintain appropriate accommodation and ensures they receive supervision and skill development. Individuals are assisted in exploring and accessing vocational and prevocational options within the community and encouraged to participate in rehabilitation services. For more information, contact (306) 922-2969.
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Lloydminster and Area Brain Injury Society (LABIS)
The Life Enrichment Program helps participants deal with many different and difficult issues related to accepting their acquired brain injury and living a life of quality. The program offers a place for participants to come where they are accepted and can grow in terms of self-acceptance and self-confidence. This two-day per week program consists of exercise, mental aerobics, reality orientation, current events, basic life skills, crafts, games and cards, music, special guests, special events and field trips. Applicants must be more than 18 years of age, not aggressive or hostile and not severely confused or wandering. The Lloydminster and Area Brain Injury Society can be reached at (780) 875-2975.
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Saskatchewan Association for the Rehabilitation of the Brain Injured (SARBI)
SARBI provides a one-on-one rehabilitation program, individually designed for adults with an acquired brain injury. Volunteers, under the guidance of staff, professional therapists and consultants, play a central role in the rehabilitation services provided to the client. SARBI can accommodate up to 16 clients. For further information, call (306) 373-3050.
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Radius Community Centre for Education and Employment Training
The goal of this program is to facilitate re-integration of children and youth with ABI into age appropriate activities within their own community. The program provides intensive support to individuals and their families during re-integration into community age appropriate activities, develops volunteer/peer supports in a client's normal community environment, encourages independence amongst these volunteer supports and is available to increase support if required by the volunteer support network. The program serves children between the ages of six and 14 and youth between the ages of 14 and 21, with an ABI, who are enrolled in an educational program within the Saskatoon service area. The program will also provide consultation at a program level to programs outside the Saskatoon service area. For more information, contact (306) 665-0362.
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Saskatoon Crisis Intervention Service
In the city of Saskatoon, SCIS provides additional service co-ordination and/or case management assistance to individuals with acquired brain injury and their families, when crises persist and a high level of risk is present. They co-ordinate services and provide intense proactive community assistance to this group until mainstream services can be arranged. In the event these individuals require follow-up service co-ordination and practical assistance, crisis management services will respond. The Saskatoon Crisis Intervention Service can be reached at (306) 933-8234.
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Mobile Crisis Services, Inc. Regina
This program extends the services currently provided by the Crisis Management Services program (case management and service co-ordination) to include survivors of ABI who are unable to have their needs met through mainstream treatment programs. The overall goal of this program is to facilitate community re-integration by linking with the appropriate community resources. For further information, call (306) 757-0127.
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North Central Health District Speech Language Pathologist
Based in Melfort, this position serves the entire area of the North Central Health District. In addition to specific speech/language services, this position also acts as a case coordinator and facilitates community development initiatives, working closely with the ABI Outreach Teams. Contact (306) 752-8821.
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North West Health District
This program is offered as a partnership between the Northwest Health District, the Meadow Lake School Division and Multiworks Corp., an organization that offers vocational and residential options to persons with developmental disabilities. The program addresses life skills, vocational/avocational, social and educational initiatives. There is no age restriction for these support services. The health district also provides for a part-time rehabilitation assistant dedicated to providing services to people with acquired brain injuries. For more information, call (306) 236-6615.
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Swift Current Health District ABI Community Co-ordinator
This program includes community development and case management activities to facilitate effective community reintegration of individuals with ABI. Contact (306) 778-5260.
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Moose Jaw-Thunder Creek Health District ABI Community Co-ordinator
The Community Co-ordinator helps bridge the gap in service between acute care/rehabilitation and the community. The co-ordinator assists the survivor of ABI through the re-integration process. Key roles of the co-ordinator include identifying, coordinating and supporting community programs and resources that meet the individual needs of the ABI survivor; family support and education; and identifying and supporting appropriate residential options. The Community Co-ordinator for the Moose Jaw-Thunder Creek Health District can be reached at (306) 691-6442.
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East Central Health District ABI Community Co-ordinator
As an advocate for the ABI survivors, the Community Co-ordinator coordinates and implements community resources. This ensures a continuum of health care from the inpatient facility to the home and into the community.
The ABI Support Group is designed to ensure personal contact to survivors, families, and/or caregivers affected by an ABI. Through shared experiences the members are able to provide compassion and support to each other. For further information, contact (306) 786-0460.
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Central Plains Health District ABI Community Co-ordinator
The ABI Community Co-ordinator provides case management services to individuals and their families who are affected by an acquired brain injury in the Living Sky, Gabriel Springs and Central Plains health districts. The co-ordinator is responsible for the development, implementation, coordination and evaluation of a rehabilitation program for persons affected by an acquired brain injury. For further information, call (306) 682-1374.
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South Central Health District ABI Community Co-ordinator
Based out of the South Central Health District Client Services Division, this case co-ordinator/rehabilitation nurse co-ordinates and provides the supports and services necessary for ABI clients to remain in their own homes or the homes of their families. The coordinator also facilitates education and training of health professionals and families. Community awareness is promoted in association with the provincial program and SBIA. This ABI specific program will allow individuals to work towards independence. Programs are designed to be flexible, meeting individual needs. The co-ordinator can be reached at (306) 842-8315.
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South East Health District ABI Community Co-ordinator
The Supportive Services for Families Program strengthens the support available to the ABI client and family by building collaborative relationships between the health district, the client and the family. The work of the ABI Co-ordinator includes assisting ABI clients to regain or obtain their highest achievable level of independence and control over their lives and minimize the frequency of admissions to institutional care. The co-ordinator plays a vital role in community development in order to implement individualized care plans. For more information, call (306) 637-3643.
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Keewatin Yathé Health District ABI Rehabilitation Assistant
The therapy assistant provides hands-on care and rehabilitation services throughout the district. The individual in this position works closely with the Northern ABI Outreach Teams and is involved in community development, case management and education and prevention activities. The rehabilitation assistant can be contacted at (306) 235-5815.
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Mamawetan Churchill River Health District ABI Rehabilitation Assistant
The therapy assistant provides hands-on care and rehabilitation services throughout the District. The individual in this position works closely with the Northern ABI Outreach Teams and is involved in community development, case management and education and prevention activities. For more information, call (306) 425-4821.
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Parkland Health District ABI Rehabilitation Assistant
This part-time position is responsible for co-ordinating the Brain Walk resource, which is an interactive series of stations that lead the child through the different regions of the brain and explore the various functions. This position will also assist in other prevention activity and community development. For more information, call (306) 747-2471.
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Prairie West Health District Community Co-ordinator
The ABI Community Co-aordinator provides case management services to individuals and their families affected by an acquired brain injury in the Midwest, Prairie West and Greenhead health districts. The Co-ordinator is responsible for the development, implementation, coordination and evaluation of a rehabilitation program, for persons affected by an acquired brain injury. For more information, call (306) 463-8284.
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